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Old 04-07-2021, 07:27 PM   #5
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Re: O.D.B. - COVID Build

For me, a build like this takes help from those who are far more talented than I. I am thankful for friends who enjoy a common hobby and are willing to lend a hand when needed.

Mason, Jim, Tony & Farmer Dave were the COVID support team for ODB.

I am also thankful that my son Mason (@mustangmason) is a wonderful photographer and provides me with some cool shots throughout!

We have made one drive with ODB and the Slambulance together. it was pretty funny to see the faces of folks as we cruised by. There is no gray area as it relates to ODB. People either "get it" or they think it is a total piece of dung. We live in W. Michigan and there are not many patina vehicles around, so it is pretty funny to watch peoples reactions.

More info on my instagram account if interested. @b2chaseman

Thanks all
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