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Old 04-09-2021, 09:38 PM   #695
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Re: 1965 LWB Stepside Build

Tried running the wiring nicer than I had it when I just tested yesterday. The difference I noticed is the super Sniper has the wiring come out the front and the 4150 Sniper have them out the back. The back makes for a cleaner install. Need to clean up a little but not too bad.

I did take the truck for a drive today and I am excited for how it responded. Felt like it ran better than ever. Better still I could not ever get the FiTech IAC set and if I did it never would stay that way on the next startup. The Sniper was set easily and stayed set. Not sure what I am going to do with the free time I will have because I won't be fine tuning anymore...well as much!
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