Thread: Alternator
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Old 04-11-2021, 07:12 PM   #3
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Re: Alternator

Originally Posted by Minkota View Post
What is the part number or car/truck year and model so I can purchase a internally regulated alternator. I tried using the part number shown in the stickie but parts stores tell me it’s back ordered indefinitely.

Also, what would be the best amp to choose for stock factory harness with A/C, electric fans, and aftermarket lights and radio. Just don’t want to burn truck up with too high an amp output. There is a possibility of going to dual batterie in the future.
That statement is incorrect.. An alternator generates only the amperage called for by the electrical items.. For instance: Lets say you have a 100 amp alternator.. If The AC and ignition is all that's turned on and their total amperage demand is 30 amps, that's all alternator is making.. Turn on the headlights and the demand goes to ~ 40 amps.. The alternator automatically ups it's output to meet the new demand.. The thing to consider when selecting an alternator it to select one that makes more amperage "wide open" than the total amperage demand of the electrical system.. A 130 amp alternator will not "burn up" any parts of the system just because it's more than what is needed..
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