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Old 04-13-2021, 01:12 PM   #2
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Re: Turbo 400 transfer case speedo housing issue

Originally Posted by JFORRESTERSR View Post
Good Afternoon all

So i have been fighting a trans issues with my 72 k5 for a year now and we are on our 2nd tranny now. heres the latest I am leaking gear lube from the speedo housing from both sides were it connects tot the transfer case and where the speedo cable connects. I ordered a new speedo housing from ECKLERS back an feb and still have no ship date. So I started looking around our forums here and found a place called I called them and they said if I have leaking fluid its a problem with the transfer case because fluid doesn't go into the housing theres only grease in there for the gears. Called my trans guy he said it does have fluid going through it and it needs new gaskets.......WTF
I am going insane with this guy but I am financially stuck dealing with him
anyone know whos right.
much appreciated
Your description of where it's leaking is a little confusing. I think you're saying it's leaking where the speedo housing threads into the Tcase, and also leaking past the internal seal on the other side.

Sounds like all the leaks are from the rear output area and where the speedo cable thread in? See pics:
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Is this the "speedo housing" you bought?

I just bought one from them in January. So they should have them in stock. be sure you also get the internal seal and o-ring.

That took care of my leak at the speedo cable.

Where else are you seeing leaks? You mention the transmission a lot but that would have nothing to do with Tcase leaks...
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