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Old 04-14-2021, 04:11 AM   #1133
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Re: GRIZZ’s ‘79 - 2WD BLAZER Challenge over in London, England. “~It’s not a Project

Originally Posted by Grizz1963 View Post
I did not want to say too much about that.

Gary is ex military himself, same as me, and we always raised and lowered a flag over our shoulders.

I suspect that in the regular run of events, those flags would be replaced by new and who knows, what would normally happen to old ones.

I really love battle weary flags, or those that looks that way.

I think for him it was about laying them out in order to photograph them.

Not sure he would ever intentionally raise any form of disrespect to the Stars and Stripes.
Interesting since as you said, he is former military. I didn't assume any disrespect, figured that he was either unaware, or it just didn't occur to him. I love my country but I am not super intense about these types of things. I don't even know when or where I learned it, but it is firmly embedded. I went to the Rose Bowl several years ago when my University team was playing. You are startlingly familiar with things in the US, but just in case, this is American football and pits two teams against each other who are at the top of their particular geographical region. The opposing team had a giant American flag for use during their part of the halftime display. It was large enough to cover a significant portion of the field when all spread out and held by the drill members. Before they used it in their display though, they staged it along the edge of the field...on the ground. And after having deposited it in such a fashion, some of them proceeded to kick it where it had spread out a little bit, in order to bunch it up and get it out of the way. Like I said, I am not Mr. extra-double protocol guy, but I found that disturbing. On the ground? No. Kicking it? Oh no.
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