I have seen a Gen 1 Tub west on I-70 At Seibert about exit 405 in Colorado It looks to be still on the frame.
I haven't stopped to check it out yet so I can not say it's for sale but if you can find a member that lives close by maybe he knows about it or is willing to take a short trip to see if it is worth the time.
I know John a member on CK5 he goes by Chevy racing over there. I know he has been here but I'm not sure if he uses the same handle.
Anyway he lives in Arriba about 22 miles away.
The tub along with other 67/72 parts are by the CDOT shed.
72 K5 that needs lots of parts..
71 GMC 3/4 4x4 That doesn't need much which is a good thing I don't think I could aford another money pit...