Thread: Flamin exhaust
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Old 07-13-2004, 07:08 PM   #1
440 american Horses
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Flamin exhaust

Hey all, just now tweaking my system for flame shooting exhaust. I've got the ignition system all dialed in for it, just tweaking the carb now and a couple other things to produce some moderate flames on acceleration. Who all out there would be interested in a system like this, should I market it? Any of you out there whom have played with flames before ever played with injecting gas or windshield washer fluid into the exhaust to get the really nice long flames? I've got some ideas for that, just want to tweak the carb to produce flames on its on first. But let me know what kind of interest there is in this and I may put together a kit, or at least diagrams and instructions for sale.

Happy shootin,

Seth Petro
Seth Petro

1969 Chev Short Step
425hp 350, TH400, big tires, fast truck
1979 Pontiac Trans Am
1991 Saturn SL1 - gas mileage! (and free)
1977 Buick LeSabre - for sale

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