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Old 04-18-2021, 05:07 PM   #1
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Bed/tailgate finish questions

Talking to a painter yesterday and he said I needed to do 3 things to the bed.

1. Since I'm putting lights in the roll in back, he said I need to cap the fronts and the ends of the tailgate. Is there a weld in cap that someone makes or do I just make some?

2. There is a gap between the stake pocket and the roll at the top of the bed side. He said to fill it by welding in some metal to make them solid. Is this something useful?

3. On the tailgate, on the outside, they roll the metal over toward the outside and spot weld it. This leaves a small line where he says the paint will crack. He said to weld up the gap and finish it off so it won't ever be a problem. Is there some validity to that?

8man-aka Robert
1948 on a S10 Frame, small block with a carb
1954 Cab, 53 Front and Bed, 50 Doors, S10 Frame, Power TBD
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