Originally Posted by Getter-Done
Nice work on the Bead Roller  .
Thanks! I'm happy with it so far.
Originally Posted by Dieselwrencher
Wow! You have a lot of time in that bead roller and it is sweet! I really like your garden area too. My wife wants to do another garden this year. We had an area tilled and I'm glad we didn't plant anything yet. It keeps dipping below freezing here still. Keep up the great work!
Thanks, yea the bead roller has gone through several iterations over the years, but I also just got to the point to where I could use it with each I never made it nice. I always intended to but it never happened until now. I'm hoping to get started on the garden before my sugary, but I looks like I may end up getting a late start this year. I'm hoping this week will have been the last freeze we get. It got down below freezing two days this week here as well.
I finally finished the bead roller it only took me 9 years.
20210419_194536 by
jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr
20210419_194546 by
jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr
20210421_204516 by
jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr
20210421_211022 by
jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr
I finished up the the brackets and painted the rails and installed the fuel tanks hopefully for the final time.
20210419_204015 by
jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr
20210419_204012 by
jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr
20210419_204020 by
jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr
20210419_204031 by
jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr
I also installed the fuel filler neck.
20210421_194758 by
jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr
20210421_194750 by
jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr
20210422_153828 by
jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr
I also started to install sound deadening mat its MAT66 80 mil
20210422_214829 by
jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr
20210423_211037 by
jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr
20210423_210910 by
jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr
20210423_210904 by
jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr
20210423_214152 by
jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr