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Old 05-01-2021, 01:22 AM   #95
lil hoodlum
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Re: Hard Starting Hot

I'm in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. With my previous motor, 1974 350 stock block and heads, I had an aluminum Edelbrock intake manifold and carburaretor. I had hard starts too after driving and shutting off motor, say like running into a store or gassing up. I had to crank it, crank it, and crank it to start the motor. I installed a 1/2 inch plastic spacer and no more hard starts after driving.

With my current motor, 1968 327 with stock intake and quadrajet carburetor, I don't have any issues with hard starting hot issues. My stock intake manifold does have the oil splash pan thingy under the intake manifold though.
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Last edited by lil hoodlum; 05-01-2021 at 01:23 AM. Reason: I cain't spel corectly
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