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Old 07-14-2004, 01:31 PM   #12
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Location: Petrolia,Ontario,Canada but working in Port Huron,Mi.
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I just rewired my 71 to accomodate my 140 amp alt.
I replaced the orig. charge wire with a 10g wire.

I rewired the whole front harness though.Took it all apart,added the 10g wire,relocated one the amp gauge wires,relocated the sense wire.About the only thing I kept were the feed wires to the lights.

The factory design has the charge wire,sense wire,one of the amp meter wires joining at a crimped and soldered point in the wire harness.

I did the MAD Electrical thing and relocated that factory juction to my firewall and installed a power distribution block.

Here's some pic's.
Here's the factory front harness.I"ve unwrapped it and you'll note on the right hand side is the orig. charge wire(red),the blue/white "sense" wire and the brown wire that goes to the warning light(my didn't have one).
The rest of the wires feed the headlights and marker lights.The two wires for the amp gauge are there as well( one black,one Black/white stripe).

Here's the new charge wire.

Here I've wrapped the new charge wire, headlight wires ,and one of the amp gauge wires.This will make up my new front harness.I used proper wire wrap,not electrical tape

This pic you can see the terminal end of the 10g charge wire and one of the fused amp gauge wires(passenger fender)

This is the new power distribution block I mounted on the drivers firewall(Red arrow).The yellow arrow is the new feed to the fuse block.It has a 14g fusable link inline.

This is the 8g power wire that goes from the back of the 140V amp to the power distribution block on the firewall.A 12g fusable link protects that ciruit.

And here is how I made my connections to the power dist. block on the firewall.

If you have any questions,just ask.
71 blazer,350SBC,approx.375HP,700R4,factory GM TPI.Dual electric fans,33x12.5x15 ATR on stock suspension.
Petrolia,Ontario,Canada but working in Port Huron,MI.
See ALL my Blazer pic's HERE

Last edited by BobbyK; 07-14-2004 at 01:35 PM.
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