Thread: HEI Help ?
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Old 05-19-2021, 08:03 PM   #20
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Re: HEI Help ?

>> Completely remove the yellow wire along with the post it connects to ? <<

The wire from the "I" terminal (yellow or what ever), is spliced into the resistor wire and the copper wire that goes to the coil. On a six cyl, that splice is located inside the harness alongside the valve cover above the #4 plug. On a V8 the splice is behind the passenger head, next to the bellhousing.

Remove the wire from the "I" terminal, bend it back over itself and tape it up is the simple way. What you do with the other end is up to you, depending on if you actually removed the resistor wire from the truck.

For me, I'm still using the resistor wire and have been for 30 years.

Originally the resistor powered a six cyl HEI with coil in cap. When I installed the AC, i switched it to a External coil HEI.

With the Alt charging at 14Volts, the HEI gets 11.5 Volts. More than enough.
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'67 GMC 2500, 292, 4spd, AC
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