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Old 05-21-2021, 01:51 PM   #86
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Re: Bedwood/bed floor ideas ond pictures

Originally Posted by NorCalGal View Post
Wow 6 years since anyone has posted their bed! I’m game. Stain looks nice but seems like a pain to keep looking nice when clear coated, would it be easier to just oil or beeswax the wood?
Depends on when you drive and how you store. Personally I would go with something to slow down the sun damage, like Waterlox Marine/Outdoor finish, or if it matches the aesthetic of your truck, just let nature do its thing and allow it to go grey while you oil/beeswax.

The one benefit to just using oil is that it does need re-application, but when you do, you can easily just wipe it on the bed and be on your way every 6 months, vs. removing the wood, sanding, resealing, and reinstalling every few years.
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