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Old 05-22-2021, 03:04 PM   #137
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Re: Hard Starting Hot

Originally Posted by Rich72C10 View Post
I find it doubtful the fuel evaporation in less than 10 hours, overnight in cool-ish weather. It surely cannot be plugs (I have read a LOT about them), unless it wasn't rebuilt correctly by Quadjet Power - they aren't supposed to be any other places better (unless you got one done by Lars).

I went to great length to get the correct 72 Qjet for my truck (the one I took off was from a 78 Chevy Truck 17058213). But here is my number: 7042208. Which now has been worked on by Quadrajet Power (modified to Performance II). You wouldn't believe what I spend on the carb and then to have it worked on. Not to mention 18 weeks of waiting (and the two before it getting the 7042208).

I thought I was on to something when I found the truck will idle now at ~600 RPM's with throttle fully closed.. it will not die anymore with throttle closed.

From Mark @QP
Originally Posted by Rich72C10 View Post
I find it doubtful the fuel evaporation in less than 10 hours, overnight in cool-ish weather.
The reservoir in a QJet holds only a few oz. of fuel.. Given the right vapor pressure, in a fully warmed up engine ALL of it will evaporate in a matter of minutes, no matter what the weather.. If this happens and it comes time to restart the engine, 1 or 2 strokes of the fuel pump puts enough fuel in that tiny reservoir for the engine to start, making one think evaporation has not taken place....

Originally Posted by Rich72C10 View Post
It surely cannot be plugs
And you know this how?? Do you know how to check for leaking metering well plugs??

I stick with my original diagnosis: Either evaporation or leaking metering well plugs.. Both can easily be checked if one knows how..

I can't vouch for nor complain against any of the aforementioned carburetor rebuilders.. I have no need of their services as I do my own carburetor work..
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