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Old 05-23-2021, 02:56 PM   #150
Carl Spangler
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Re: Hard Starting Hot

Originally Posted by Rich72C10 View Post
I am a glutton for punishment...

I decided to check all the screws, nearly all but two were loose. The bottle two being the worst, one was 2 1/2 turns loose before getting to snug. Though it is still whistling. I spray carb cleaner (which scared me) all around the carb (under the air horn). No change in anything, the whistling or RMPs. So I don't know what that means but I am sure it means something...

Though she did drive a bit better after snuging down the screws but still stumbly taking off / low end :'( Its a real shame, since if I give her good pedal / WOT I'm moving fast!
Was the engine completely warmed up for the 'stumbly take off' test?

Here's another easy test:
Crack the thottle about half open and see how much side-play is in the throttle shaft. i.e. clearance between the shaft and casting. A proper rebuild would include drilling out the housing and pressing in a brass insert. If rebuilt properly there should be an 'interference fit' between the shaft and brass bushings. If not done properly this could be a source of air leak and whistle.
1971 SWB step side: Original NM Forestry truck, then NM Fire truck, and now a ranch truck.
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