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Old 05-23-2021, 07:24 PM   #1
Joe P
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Join Date: May 2019
Location: OXFORD, CT
Posts: 120
HO72 Pinion Seal Felt Packing Location

So reinstalling the Pinion Seal Flange on my HO72. I have the metal and rubber seal and it's obvious that it gets pressed into the flange - That's where the old one was too. Now the felt packing goes somewhere too, but not sure of the location. There was not one present when I took it apart. If I follow the parts breakdown, it looks like it goes in to the flange before the seal is pressed in, but to me it does not look like there is room in the flange for both. Does it go on the yoke? The drawing is not clear... What's correct?

A: Place the felt in the flange and press in the seal
B: Press the seal in the flange and put the felt packing on the on the yoke
C: Omit the felt packing as there wasn't one to begin with.
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