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Old 05-28-2021, 08:26 PM   #118
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Re: HG's Bigass Farm Truck

Got insurance on it. But it's not quite ready for a road trip. I got the driver door window regulator swapped so I have air conditioning. I bolted the seat down. Haven't done seat belts yet. And found my tailgate, which is in worse condition than I remember. And it doesn't fit. I don't remember what the deal was when I took it apart but it's an 80 and up tailgate which has different trunnions and I don't have the parts to mount it.

So I called my local parts supply, daburb, and he was out of new gates but had a decent used one for cheap. So I got that as a temporary one and will get a new one later, before paint.

Going to get the hood and grill parts on, probably tomorrow, then drive it to town and see how it goes. The new oxygen sensors will be here Tuesday. I'm still shocked that the only trouble codes were for the sensors. Junkyard engine that sat for several years before I got it running. Unknown condition other than the junkyard people saying it ran good before they pulled it.
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