This woman proves the city wrong in their belief one leads to another. This has been going on for a long time, right? That's how the sum has mounted up to $100k, right? And all this time all she has been doing is parking one car next to the other IN THE DRIVEWAY. She just needs to widen here driveway. When I lived in FL my driveway was sea shells. You call that a driveway?

I wonder if the problem is the city won't allow her to widen it. Too close to property line or some other bi-law the city conjured up.
The intent of the law is to prevent cars sitting elsewhere than the driveway, where "one can lead to another". They also have unregistered vehicle codes even for cars in the driveway. My county has that. We are allowed one, and that can be a larger part of a vehicle such as a cab or frame.