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Old 05-29-2021, 08:25 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Richard View Post
The difference between springs from Alcan, Atlas or Deaver and "kit" springs is somewhat hard to believe. Yes they cost more. It is a no brainer if you are willing to spend the money and want a nicer ride to drive the truck Not a fan of the ORD shackle flip myself. While many rock crawler guys like it. Have no idea why ORD does not offer a rear spring with over 4" of lift. Easy enough to use the tension shackle, which I personally believe is more stable on highway and handles loads better. The stock style tension shackle design combined with a custom higher arch spring and the right shackle can add 1" to 2" more droop than the compression shackle. They offer front springs at 6" and over. Using a 6" lift front spring the shackle end will probably hit the frame before going flat if using stock length shackles. You can contact any of the manufactures directly to get rear springs over 4".

Thank you for your response!

I DO NOT want a shackle flip either so I also contacted Alcan and they will build a True 5" spring and quoted me on these 5" springs.

I'm not sure why ORD would not offer this 5" set up when the spring manufacturer will build it? Not doubting/questioning their reasons just curious why they do not offer/recommend? Will call and ask for verification. I want to use the bushings and front HD hangers and other products.

Whats the purpose of the ORD "Extended shock mount"?

Also does the shackle flip have anything to do with axle location in wheel well? I gave Alcan my rear spring measurments with between front to center and center to rear total 52" rear springs when measuring arch.

Does the shackle flip help or affect ride? Help the angle of the driveline?

I will not be doing any extreme off road outside of heading to dunes for a weekend and mostly just joy rides aroumd town. Want the ride they offer "IF" it rides so much better than a "one spring does all" that you receive from the major lift companies meaning, Skyjacker, Super lift, Rough Country etc.

To be clear I will be going with ORD in some fashion but I want to use the 5" springs Alcan offered me. I do not want to remove my factory riveted spring mounts in rear and I do not want the look of the shackle flip.

In the end this is my first TOTAL FRAME UP build and like most probably over thinking everything and yes I have used Skyjacker and Superlift in past but as I get older and hearing all my friends complaining on a lifted Short Bed ride I wanted to try and find a solution to take it to the next level outside of coil overs which are cool but change the look beyond my desires.

Why were here whats the opionion on BEHIND SEAT TANK REMOVAL? I will mock up and keep fill spout "Dummy" in original tank fill spot. Any kits better than others? I do not want the LED Tailights so the hidden fill will not be an option. Will be probably in bed wit flush mount cap.

Looking forward to your responses its greatly appreciated! I have learned more in last few days than I ever imangined and I have had several lifted trucks over the years.

Last edited by MDFarms; 05-29-2021 at 08:31 AM.
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