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Old 05-31-2021, 09:21 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Richard View Post
Shackle flip and hangers are not necessary. If you want wheel centered in bottom of wheel well, center pin will need to be moved back about 1”. Wheel is centered at top of arch in stock configuration.
Richard would you think that Alcan or ORD should know where the center bolt needs to be for center on the spring? I dont want to guess and wanting it to be correct. I have no issue with asking ORD to order the 5" lift springs from Alcan as long as they work together to get it centered. It was about a $100 more per spring through ORD but they need to make their $$ as well. Still want to buy the 4.5 front sping hangars and Kevlar bushings from ORD along with steeeing arm or whatever else they suggest. I just do not wnat to remove stock hangars and do a shackle flip. I'm kinda weird on that detail but I like what I like. For me the in between height of 5" and 35" tires to me would be perfect.

Thanks for your input you have been very helpful and its been very appreciated!
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