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Old 06-10-2021, 07:39 AM   #10
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Re: State Farm road assistance sucks and broken.

Wow, good stories and unfortunately seems consistent. I don't have a State Farm story as I dropped them many years ago but I can tell you if your vehicle you rented from Enterprise konks out on you they are more worried about their vehicle than you. They will not arrange for you to get to the closest Enterprise facility to exchange but they will make you wait with their vehicle until the tow truck arrives and leave you standing on the side of the interstate if you don't have a ride arranged.
I'll not give the gory details but all this played out with my family and I last December just outside Atlanta on the side of I75. Fortunately, the vehicle started after 45 minutes on the side of the interstate (Infinity QX80) and we were able to drive the 20 minutes to the closest Enterprise (which was fortunate) who were supposed to know we were coming but were not. They were somewhat reluctant to help us but did get us another vehicle. Oh yeah, the tow company called and told us they were on the way - four hours later.
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