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Old 06-21-2021, 02:04 PM   #1
Carl Spangler
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Re: Hard Starting Hot

Originally Posted by Rich72C10 View Post
I got the returned carburetor installed this morning. I have to say, it's much easier to get her to run down the road without her falling flat on her face. I think I got her dial in okay, though on Tuesday I'll have my shop take a look (she is going in to relook at my rear end leak). The difference is night and day but it is apparent I am no carburetor tuner. This is even with my fancy timing light (to watch for max idle) and vacuum gauge (to watch for max vacuum)!

With that said, I still have these problems:
  1. Can't get the anti dieseling solenoid to do its job, still idles ~500 RPMs when solenoid is disengaged.
  2. The above is with the throttle closed, of course, and the high pitched whistling is still there. The whistling goes away once I adjust above 600~650 RPMs.
  3. The left (passenger) adjustment screw is still really loose, lots of wiggling. The right (driver) seems okay, especially compared to the left. I haven't any idea what issue this could cause, if anything - other than perhaps being able to fine turn the mixture on that side of the carburetor.

Seems the "whistling" would be a air leak, which in turn allows the engine to still idle, even though the throttle is fully closed.


From Mark @QuadraJet Power

I am a bit disappointed that it seems they haven't any clue as to the operation of the GM Stop Solenoid / Anti-Dieseling Solenoid.
FWIW, I always assumed the anti-dieseling solenoid was ONLY intended to stop dieseling when the ignition is off. The solenoid wasn't intended (when off) to kill the engine when the ignition is ON.

That said, I feel your carb pain! If it makes you feel any better, I think I've had my 1 barrel Rochester apart at least 20 times in my quest (finally achieved) to get my truck to run sweet.
1971 SWB step side: Original NM Forestry truck, then NM Fire truck, and now a ranch truck.
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