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Old 06-21-2021, 02:07 PM   #180
body bolt
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Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico
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Re: Hard Starting Hot

I've had similar problems. On my truck, the carburetor fuel inlet is ~34 inches which is approximately the same as the fuel level in a full tank so I know there is fuel in the line. I see fuel stains on top of the carburetor which leads me to believe the fuel is boiling out after shutdown. I've also found if I run cool water over the stock fuel pump my idle becomes more steady. Turn the water off, wait a few minutes, the idle gets more lumpy and engine speed slowly decreases until it dies. I repeated this a few times. And this is with the hood open.

Originally Posted by Rich72C10 View Post
This morning, my hard start came back with the Carburetor. She would turn over, get up to Fast Idle and die. This cycle continued about 5 times.

Luckily I bought a little check valve and had it on standby. It plugs into the inlet of the filter of the Quadrajet. Though it does restrict fuel flow but hopefully that isn't a issue for a stock-ish truck engine.

Though my understand is this should have correct any flow back: "removed the clip on the needle/seat to let it set when fuel is not flowing to prevent backflow". I that the case, then the check valve will not make a difference when I start her up tomorrow morning. So that begs the question, where is the fuel going (if that is actually the problem, no fuel in the bowl).
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