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Old 06-21-2021, 03:59 PM   #182
Mr. Cheyenne
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Re: Hard Starting Hot

Okay, I think I understand between the Choke coil (closes choke plate/engages fast idle) and the vacuum pull thingy.

So when cold and you tap/push your pedal, this should allow the plate to close or almost completely closed. While you are turning over your engine it stays closed for max fuel/flow air. Then as soon as the engine fires over, the vacuum canister should get vacuum and allows the choke plate to open, cause now we need air. At this point we are in fast idle and the secondards are also disabled. Then as the coil warms up, the plate opens more and more. Then when you end up touching the gas pedal, you come out of fast idle, which also disables the vacuum canister thingy and enables the secondaries. Now you can Zoom, Zoom down the road.

So, if (I assume) I have my choke coil adjustment to tight or the vacuum canister isn't working, the choke plate will remain closed - which in turn means no air and engine will die. Which is pretty much what was happening this morning. Pretty darn sure it was misadjustment of my choke coil.

So I only have so much "Air in a Can" so I now have reverted to bags of ice around the choke coil and waiting. Kind of hard to test this stuff when its 95 outside, though there might be some other way to do this test. It is a bit of a PITA.

'72 Chevy C10 Cheyenne *Super WHT/MED BRONZE/WHT
SBC 350 | TH350 | LWB | AC | Buddy Seats
Upgrades: Tilt | Front Sway Bar | Radio | Sliding Window | Bed Spare w/Lock
Bed Rails | Full LEDs | Courtesy Lights | Tachometer | Glovebox Lock & Light | Head Light Relays | *Upgraded Fully Super Trim
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