I was in the 60's and we never had a problem with the John Law, but then again, we wouldn't be stupid and lay a line of flames in front of him... But at the same time, I have never seen or heard of a Law on the Flames.... Son in Law's a Prior Nye County Nevada Deputy, He doesn't remember a law either.... But then again, How often would this question comw up??? It would actually be one for a State Patrol Agency.
This guy was Crazy, he wanted the best and furthest flame.... He put different things in it, Gas, gas with starting fluid mixed in, stove oil, Kerosene....... I also remember a One Way Valve, It would stop the mixture from going back into the reservoir.. Oh Yea,, The reservoir was the type that had an internal pump. I remember his Dad raising all H*LL and having him try Alcohol.. Alcohol burns fast and pretty blue....