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Old 07-15-2004, 08:33 PM   #4
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Blazer/truck Brake problems

I have found a used proportioning valve that has the front pin thingy. The master cylinder was supposely a rebuilt. I've replaced the rear wheel cylinders, the shoes are fine as are the drums. I checked the front calipers, had the roters resurfaced. ---and now, same problem as before. When you apply the brakes, the pedal goes half way to the floor and the Blazer tires squeel---can't tell if the front or back are grabbing. The freakin brake light is one despite my pushing--pullng the front thingy on the prop valve. The books don't give a decent process to follow so that you can identify what is wrong where. I've bleed both the front and the rear---yet same !@#$%^.
Any ideas of where and how to begin to get this SOB stopping better then a 61 falcon!???
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