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Old 06-26-2021, 11:24 AM   #214
body bolt
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Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico
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Re: Hard Starting Hot

I agree, they should have left it stock. It would have run fine and they'd at least have had a baseline. It's not a race car.

Originally Posted by Steeveedee View Post
I can understand wanting originality. I met my wife in 1980, and rebuilt the carburetor on my FiL's truck at least once, back in the day, as I was a mechanic then. Rebuild it, set it up right, FiL had no complaints. We inherited the truck in 2009. I had issues with gas drying up in it due to not driving it, but got that taken care of. In that entire time, I've not changed anything except rebuild parts. It still has the original metering rods and jets! All those mods to the circuits on yours were completely unnecessary, IMO. I'd suggest finding another unmodified carburetor with the right part number and starting over, if you are set on that. BUT, if that "wrong" carb works, I'd leave well enough alone. What is your final intent? Concourse original, or not?
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