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Old 07-08-2021, 10:29 AM   #2
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Re: 51 Chev on a S10 frame, named Dale

Had a problem with the truck, at 40 mph, under load, the engine would sputter, cough, and chug. This only happened under load, if I depress the clutch and rev it, no problems.

Hmmmmm, is this a fuel problem? or an electrical problem? So, added some 93 octane fuel, no change, then I replaced the fuel filter, no change.

Maybe it is an electrical problem?? I used a brand new distributor, so it should not be that?? but what else?? maybe the coil (HEI) was breaking down? So, I had an old distributor, and changed caps, still no change.

OK, maybe it is the module in the distributor??? so I went back to my used distributor, removed the module, (added some dielectric grease to the bottom) put it in the truck and ...... FIXED ! no more problems, cruising along past 40 mph without a hiccup.

I purchased a new complete distributor the the very reason of not having these problems, but they still occur.

All is well, and noticed I have just put 500 miles on it so far this summer.

Hope you are all enjoying your trucks this summer.
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