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Old 07-19-2021, 12:58 PM   #1
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Join Date: Oct 2013
Location: Lincoln, NE
Posts: 118
Engine Bay Wire Gutters/Looms

Guys, I have been searching the forum for sources for the wire gutters in the engine bay that go across the top of the fire wall and across the top of the radiator support. I bought a set from Classic Industries that showed up made of a hard plastic rather than the pliable rubber that was installed at the factory. The piece for across the radiator support has pre-drilled holes that do not line up with the holes in the radiator support. It also needs to bend down on each side and this plastic is too hard to make the sharp bend without creating a large arc.

Now I'm a bit nervous to order from other suppliers for fear of acquiring the same poor quality. Is there a good source for these out there?
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