Thread: 55.2-59 V8 badge location
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Old 07-23-2021, 04:29 PM   #4
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Re: V8 badge location

This is what I will use on my 57 when it comes time. Steve
I have an original V8 57. I will try to remember to measure V location to confirm dimensions.
Edit: I measured from front of door to bottom center of V and from beltline to bottom center of V. I came up with 7 15/16" from front of door and 1" from body line.

58TRUK is a V8 truck, chevy may have phased it out for 58?
Ogre... No fender V in '58. Hood ornament should have a V.

For anyone else looking, 55 + 56 V's are on the fender. GM's Factory Assembly Manual has dimensions.

If you go to page 715 (it shows up as 4XX-25 in the PDF viewer I'm using) you'll see dimensions for the 55-56 side spear and V location for 1/2 ton trucks.

Page 727 (4XX-37) shows V location in larger trucks.

Last edited by 1project2many; 07-23-2021 at 09:17 PM.
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