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Old 08-02-2021, 09:04 PM   #10
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Re: Battery drain issue/ .010 reading on volt meter

Recommend use the mA setting for the voltage drop test when trying to find a battery drain - you will have more fidelity in your reading. If I recall correctly (it's been a while since I've done it ), anything >50-60 mA is a potential batt drain. Make sure everything is off (no cell chargers plugged into your cig lighter, no dome or underhood lights (if you may have added one) on. This is a catch in doing a voltage drop test in later model trucks - the underhood light is gravity triggered, so you have to detach it and let it dangle so the light isn't triggered on by opening the hood. (anyway, not applicable if your truck is stock, but mentioning just in case. If you're seeing >50-60 mA, then you can start pulling fuses to see what circuit drops the mA reading, but don't forget that opening the door turns on the dome lamp If you see >50-60 mA, THEN you can open the door to get to the fuses - but note your mA reading AFTER you open the door and use that as your ref baseline for seeing if pulling a fuse triggers a mA drop - not the reading for when everything was off. Best if you can keep everything off, incl dome lights, if possible. Can also just remove the dome light bulb if you need to keep the door open to get to the fuses. You probably know all this - just throwing it out there just in case.
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