Originally Posted by 402Bowtie
Some follow-up questions on the original question:
1) Does the answer only apply to non-Cheyenne Super trucks? I think you'd have to get blue, olive, or parchment door panels on a dark olive Super, correct?
2) If you had a non-super dark olive truck with tilt and standard interior trim, would just the dash pad be black and everything else the standard trim color?
3) Also, I'm curious....What do you mean by "special order" in this instance? Where does that show up on the build sheet or spid? I would think either way the interior and exterior colors are just listed on the spid and build sheet as any other truck would have been...
1. Answer applies to all trucks (with Primary paint color of dark olive), regardless of trim level (and yes, as you pointed out, a Super is even more restrictive, offering only parchment, olive, or blue custom cloth as interior trim colors.
2. On a dark olive truck with tilt, regardless of trim level, only the column and steering wheel would be black.. Dash pad color would be driven by trim color. ONE exception I can think of regarding the dash pad color would be a Highlander - I "think" but am not certain that a dark olive Highlander would indeed have a black dash pad. But I have seen pics of some with what appear to be olive dash pads. Would love to find an answer to that... I think the brochures say black for the highlanders, but would have to confirm that.
3. Good question - what I meant to say was that any non-standard trim combo could be ordered. "Special Order" may not be the right choice of words. How it would appear on the SPID is also a good question, I "think" there would be an "ORDER NO.____" in the lower right portion of the SPID, which I think means that a dealer or customer ordered the combo of options shown on the SPID -(Keith - is that correct?) - and the black interior trim code would also be listed on the SPID.
Great questions

Would be good to see if anyone out there has a SPID that shows a dark olive truck with a black interior - would be curious if there's an Order No. ____ in the lower right of the SPID. Again, Order No. doesn't necessarily mean anything "special" other than someone opted for that specific combo of options - and all could be allowable options without special ordering, per se. So maybe that is the real question here - IF someone wants something other than what is a standard offering (i.e. black interior in a dark olive truck, for example), how did one order it and how did it appear on the SPID afterward? Non-standard interior colors didn't get an equivalent of a "Special Paint" RPO, but did they get the "Order No" nomenclature because it would have to have been "ordered" to get black interior trim in a dark olive truck. Hmm...