Originally Posted by jocko
"Special Order" may not be the right choice of words. How it would appear on the SPID is also a good question, I "think" there would be an "ORDER NO.____" in the lower right portion of the SPID, which I think means that a dealer or customer ordered the combo of options shown on the SPID -(Keith - is that correct?) - and the black interior trim code would also be listed on the SPID.
Great questions  Would be good to see if anyone out there has a SPID that shows a dark olive truck with a black interior - would be curious if there's an Order No. ____ in the lower right of the SPID. Again, Order No. doesn't necessarily mean anything "special" other than someone opted for that specific combo of options - and all could be allowable options without special ordering, per se.
Every truck has a "Dealer Order Number", whether it was ordered by a dealer for stock, or to a customers specific specifications, and regardless of whether or not it appears on the SPID.
The Dealer Order Number is how the truck was tracked through the early stages and until assigned to a final build assembly location. The order number correlates to a PVI (Primary Vehicle Identifier) once it is entered at the plant, then those filter into the various build sequence numbers (body shop sequence, trim sequence and General Assembly ("GA", or final line) sequence numbers. The GA sequence number is the gold source in the assembly plant (nobody cares about the VIN until it is released out of captivity). As a result, trucks are not necessarily built in VIN order in most assembly plants.
*As an aside - every truck is "sold" before it gets built, again either to a dealer for stock or to a specific customer.