Originally Posted by Steeveedee
I worked on and off for 2 different Chevy dealers from '70 to '72, and that's what I remember being the case, for the spare. Of course, I've misremembered more than one thing from that era! I don't know about '71 specifically for power brakes, my understanding is what I wrote. Maybe someone with a '71 will chime in.
I am no authority by no way but did find this so thought would offer it here.
Found in my copy of Motorbooks International "Chevrolet Pickup - Red Book" As from page 173 of 1971 pickup "Facts"
"Mechanically, the disc braces became standard equipment on all trucks. These were power assisted on all models except the 1/2 ton, for which power assist was optional. All pickups were equipped with a small yellow caution sticker on the tailgate" (The disc brake sticker I referred to earlier in the thread)
My K10 has power assisted front discs, still has the original SIPD on the glove box door. Will check the SIPD tag and see if anything is mentioned about power assist as an option. Never looked that closely before.