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Old 08-07-2021, 10:45 PM   #6
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Re: Sullii the 72 GMC 1500

After discovering the worn out main bearings, work on the truck halted while I contemplated where I wanted to go from here. In the meantime, the truck sat beside the garage, immobile and sad.

I was at an impasse. Part of me wanted to try and preserve the originality of this truck as I intended upon purchase. The other part, seeing an opportunity through the necessity of repairing the engine, wanted to pick up where I left off with my last truck and complete what I never did. My other truck, ole Green Gus, was supposed to be an LS swapped, big static drop cruiser. Some things in life got in the way and I ended up selling it before completing it, but the desire to transform a truck in that manner still remains. I didn't buy this truck with the intent of going there with this one, but if not now, when? I'm realizing that I appreciate trucks in all their stock glory but I cannot be a faithful keeper of one. I enjoy modifying my vehicles too much.

So... with that internal debate settled, it was time to remove the boat anchor to clear space for a modern transplant.

My son was all about helping on this project which made it even more enjoyable.

Builds: Green Gus the 68 C10 ; Sullii the 72 1500
Instagram: @dr.hewitt
C10 Concept/Development Photos: Master Thread
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