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Old 08-14-2021, 06:20 PM   #14
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Re: 67 project truck

Originally Posted by jumpsoffrock View Post
Whats the max you'd run one at?

I know the 292's were used all the way up to the C80's or something, I'm sure some of those yard/jobsite trucks probably saw 20k lbs and were shunted around in granny low all day long at 3-4k rpm..... poor things.
Never having run one, I can't say. I do know it winds higher than the 292, which is redlined at 4500 -- 5000. Go too fast and the harmonic balancer wobbles off. Very bad, since all your belts run off it. And it ususally torpedoes thru the radiator to boot.
I did have one spin off its timing marks, sometime around 210,000 on the build. I retuned it ''by ear,'' and plowed on to 250,000. On tear down, I found the HB had worn a big groove thru the timing gear cover, and that was hemorrhaging a quart of 50 weight Valvoline Racing oil every 100 miles of high speed freeway time. At lower speeds, in city traffic, I didn't get the oil loss.
Probably caused when I tried some wider but lower 15'' wheels and tires, after the OEM 7.00x17.5 rims and R8.5x17.5LT tires were shot. I had to run higher RPMs to make road speed in a rush to get to a gig location.

If you decide to upgrade to a 292, be sure to get all the motor mounts, perches, and accessory brackets. The 292 L6 [RPO L25] has the passenger side mount forward. Probably to counter torque. The drivers side mount is common with the 230/250.
They can be safely bored out to .060-over = ''301'' cubic inches. [.030 = 296 CI].
Going bigger may compromise the water jacket.

Every 25 years I like to rebuild that 292, whether it needs it or not.

Last edited by '68OrangeSunshine; 08-14-2021 at 06:28 PM.
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