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Old 08-14-2021, 08:58 PM   #672
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Re: 57 Chevy Wagon - Californa Dreamin'

Originally Posted by mongocanfly View Post
Yeah, I'd rather not have to do a rear unit if possible.. I'm not one of those people that has to have it 50deg inside on a 100deg maybe front vents will be plenty
I'm not either, Greg. In fact, I don't even like the vents blowing directly on my hands or face.

We got a half day in today. Arrived around 9:15 and by the time we parked, the car was literally on fire. The plug/wire that connects to the Dakota Digital temp sensor had apparently drooped down onto the last header tube and burst into flames. I knew something was wrong because the temp went from 225 to 305 in about two seconds. When the insulation burned off the wires, they shorted together and maxed out the gauge. As I popped the hood I could see a sooty little fire going at the back of the passenger cylinder head. Huffed and puffed a couple of times and it went out, but poured some bottled water on it just to be sure. Drive home will be without the DD temp gauge, but we'll connect the laptop to view the temperature from the other sensor. Luckily, that wasn't the one that burned or we'd be in a bit more of a fix.

To add to our woes, the torque converter clutch solenoid appears to be pretty much shot. TCM software is commanding the converter to lock, but once it gets above 200 degrees, it doesn't do so. This generates a lot of heat with the converter constantly slipping. On the ride back to the motel this afternoon, the trans temp hit 235 on some of the hills. I could tell the converter wasn't locked because the engine rpm was 2500 at 70 instead of 2000 like it should be. The fluid looks clean and doesn't smell burned. But I'm concerned about driving it 600 miles home. We'll just have to keep an eye on it and pull over to let it cool down if it gets crazy hot.

Shortly after noon, the skies opened up and it rained big time. They announced that the storm was getting worse and everyone needed to take down their canopies. When they said the rain wouldn't end until around 4pm, we loaded up and called it a wrap. Prior to that, during a break in the rain, we went up and took some pictures of the top 25. They did have some nice ones, I'll say that. I'll post some photos when we get home. Right now, I'm pretty wrung out.
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