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Old 08-21-2021, 02:55 PM   #18
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Re: Battery drain issue/ .010 reading on volt meter

Originally Posted by 72 Super View Post
I think I found the issue. I pulled the radio plug out of the fuse panel. My multimeter didn’t change. I then pulled the cig lighter plug out of the fuse panel and my meter went to 0.00. I then noticed the radio had no power. Someone spliced the radio into the cigarette lighter harness wire.
It doesn't matter what circuit is used to power the radio.. If your radio was turned off during these tests, you're reading the current draw of the radio's memory function.. Normally that draw isn't enough to run down the battery over a short period of time.. Connect the radio's power lead to the "radio" fuse in the panel.. Re-run those tests and you'll probably get the same results... If your battery is good, I suspect the radio memory is faulty and drawing more current than it should... A good test for this would be leaving the radio completely disconnect from any circuits and let the truck sit a few days with the battery connected.. If the battery holds it's charge, you'll know the radio is the source of the drain..
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