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Old 08-28-2021, 09:27 PM   #7
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Re: Got the Cab media blasted.

Originally Posted by kwmech View Post
How is cleaning all the media out of the seams like. A lot left over that seems to keep coming from all over?? or does it go completely away with compressed air
That's what I'm worried about. Dont know how they get it all out, especially because it flies up the back of the cab under the window in that void and on the sides into the roof...

I still see sand come out of those areas after moving my cab around and ive done probably 15% of the surface area on the lower side.

Contemplating a strip disc over the blast path... or 90% strip disc and only use blasting where I cant get with the disc or a 2" rollock. Having finished pillars/corners/rockers I am very hesitant because the sand is going back into the rocker & then what..
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