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Old 08-29-2021, 03:15 PM   #13
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Re: 1972...ish C10 - Finishing What They Started

My brother and I worked on some quick appearance changes while our dad worked on getting the engine ready to fire. We traded a different set of wheels for these deep dish rallies which I painted a dark gray. What I am realizing today as I go through old pictures is that the truck had silver front trim when we bought it which looked to be original. It had some dents so we sold it and bought nicer trim to paint gray like the wheels, but I am curious if we unknowingly passed up some rare pieces? I know the 67-68 had quite a few different grill color combos, some with an argent silver trim? Hard to say now not having them in hand.
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Last edited by ClassicIron; 08-29-2021 at 03:26 PM.
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