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Old 08-29-2021, 04:22 PM   #8
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Re: Surgery on AM radio to fix on-off switch

Originally Posted by dmjlambert View Post
No, not too late to the party. Thanks, I appreciate the info. I have not yet removed the pot assembly or picked up any DeoxIT D5 yet. I will get a round tuit. I don't see any cracks or little openings from where it is installed. I'll probably need to get it out of the radio and into my hands so I can examine it closely.

I noticed the mechanical push button tuning is sluggish and does not work well, although the tuning knob does seem to work. I do not see any convenient way to disassemble enough to get a good look at the push button inner workings. Do you think WD-40 is good to try for those mechanical parts of the tuner?
Just looking at the closeup pic of the switch, there's plenty of openings for the DeoxIT to get in.. Place some paper towels on the table/bench and place the radio on them.. Have a spraying good time, the paper towels will soak up the access.. I don't like using WD-40 on electronics.. It's intended not so much for lubrication as an agent to absorb moisture, doesn't leave much residue behind.. You need to use something that will leave behind some "slickness".. DeoxIT should also work for that...
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