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Old 09-09-2021, 04:33 PM   #10
State of Confusion!

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Location: Gulfport, MS USA
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Re: Palf's 1970 Custom/10

Krue, far as I know it has a regular filter. We discussed how today's TP is different and doesn't work well in these things anymore. Waiting on some new filters to arrive.

Between helping Ed's widow with things, I got to do a few things on the 70. Made a new throttle rod to fit the Holley carb and added new air cleaner. I also change out the steering wheel to one that was a tad smaller. It makes it so much easier to get in and out of the truck now. Also started working on electrical drain issues. I think I found it. It looks like it was in the mess of stereo/amp wiring. Removed the old radio and all the unnecessary wiring. Once I decide on a new radio/stereo setup, I'll install it.

I redid the ash tray. Can't say I ever came across one that rusted thru. Once I got it out and got rid of Ed's cigar butts, I pulled the front cover off his and I had another ash tray from a 67 (with a handle). Took it apart, put Ed's front piece on, with the 67 handle.

I also found some more stuff today for it New clutch assembly & flywheel, new door panels and the kick panels with speakers.

As far as electrical, I still want to go thru all the grounds on the thing before I say I have the drain licked, but it does not appear to have any drain no in the system.

Now that it is officially mine, got the title and tags in, I guess I need to get at it a bit more. Time to do some cruising with this one!
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1970 Chevy Custom/10 LWB Fleetside
2010 Toyota Tacoma PreRunner SR5 Double Cab - DD

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