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Old 09-21-2021, 03:34 PM   #1
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Join Date: Mar 2019
Location: Somonauk IL
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67 Blinkers not working but hazards do

I've been working on this blinker problem for a few days now.

All hazards work except this driver front. but this is probably a bad bulb or ground.

This is what ive done so far.

Removed TS switch and cleaned it. checked continuity from the the c- connector to the switch on all wires. All are good. switch is back together.

removed the fuse block and cleaned terminals on both fire wall connections.

with a test light i checked voltage at fuse panel.

I get 12 volts at one of the hazard pins on the fuse panel where the flasher plugs in.

I'm not getting 12 volts on the signal pins while in accessory key position.

I took the fuse panel off and looked behind and there is a pink wire that connects to the fuses that i circled in the pic attached. Im guessing there is no voltage to on the pink wire and wondering why.

I read somewhere that 67 accessory voltage is different from later years where they use a brown wire from the ignition switch to feed these fuses.. Can some one clarify what the difference is in 67 accessory feeds?

in the pic the circled fuses all have 0 volts with key off and key on(accessory)

any help thanks
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