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Old 09-23-2021, 08:35 PM   #1
Already Gone
70+ ( Old Skool Club )
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Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ,Canada
Posts: 9,161
Got a Chuckle from this Post

I copied and pasted the following from a Facebook Post and thought a chuckle from it. Dont know if the person is a member on here but don't matter he/she is anonymous.

" Have to laugh about the learning process of never having owned a 1968 vehicle before...
I have driven my truck only a handful of times, let alone at night. And so far only one time with the brights on! I stepped on the switch and kept going down the highway.
When I glanced at the dash and saw the little red light, I panicked that it was some archaic engine warning light! I frantically ran through my guages, thought about where I could pull over, how or if I had to baby her home, etc.... before realizing it was my bright lights indicator �� Why is it red and not blue???
Lesson learned!! "
1972 C10 Custom/Deluxe 613 Highlander 406/700R4
1999 White Tahoe LS 4x2 with Z56 Police Package
1992 K1500 GMC Suburban

Members I have personally met: MusicMan70 - HeavyD - ChewyChevy67 - StingRay -71SWB4x4 - 67 Burb - DeadheadNM - too much stuff - bc65 - das601

" Circumsatances Do Not Change Responsibility "

" The Sky is not the Limit, Your Mind is." Marilyn Monroe ..

RIP Charlie Watts 1941 - 2021
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