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Old 09-24-2021, 08:28 PM   #15
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Re: Got a Chuckle from this Post

Before I got my 69 truck I used to buy cars that were 1 or 2 years old and drive them for many years before getting another one. So I was not familiar with modern things. So I had the opposite experience compared to that facebook poster. My family was going on a vacation and we thought it would be nice to rent a minivan to go across the state, so we could have plenty of room. The rental was a very effortless checkout, I spent about 5 minutes in the office paying and an attendant pulled up in the minivan and left it running for me about 10 steps from the counter. I hopped in and drove away and after a few blocks I noticed the hazard flashers were on. I reached down to the steering column, and no, the button was not there. I pulled over and searched the whole vehicle for the button. I called the rental office, they couldn't figure it out either. I pulled out the huge manual and started searching through it. I was about to give up and just drive it back to the rental place and tell them I need a different vehicle, I don't need this nonsense, when I ran across the page in the manual. It was a dash mounted button that looked like a triangle. I thought that was some sort of emblem or decoration and had no idea of pushing it. Now I know. I thought it was a funny episode, and I'm glad I was not in a rush. Now I came to my senses and got a classic. I got rid of my modern (12 year old) car, that was the last modern car I'll need. I'll just drive 1969 or earlier cars and trucks as daily drivers from now on. I like the pre-huge-amounts-of-molded-plastic-inside-the-cab era. I might be in for another surprise the next time I rent a car.
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