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Old 09-30-2021, 10:22 AM   #1
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Functional vintage tool box ideas?

When it comes to cruising around in my C-20, I'm a boy scout kinda guy. I like to be prepared. Whether I'm just going out for a ride (driving this thing puts my mind in a good spot) or going to town to get a load from the hardware store, I always throw in a small tool box that I have set up with a few select tools. Jumper cables, star lug wrench, good hydraulic jack, you know a few basic tools--at my age, I'd hate to change a tire or try to help someone out with what is under my seat.
The problem is...
(1) I don't like a plastic box sliding around the bed
(2) Even though I'm a trusting kinda guy, I'm vulnerable to someone running off with it.
(3) I don't like the looks of it. It doesn't look like something Grampa had. Lol

What are some solutions to this that you guys have come up with. Modern tool boxes seem too large and look too new, is there something that looks like it would belong there, not be too intrusive and most of all be functional?

Pictures would be wonderful!
Thanks in advance.
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