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Old 10-08-2021, 01:52 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Heater box removal - look away

Finally time to remove the mouse playground..
I realized the bolts and clip nuts for the inner fender weren't going to cooperate, so some of you may want to look away at this point. I drilled a 1" access hole to get the most outboard bolt out. The next one inboard I was able to get with an offset wrench 1/12 of a turn at a time...that stud is long

Pay no attention to those other smaller holes, they're for something unrelated :p

I figured I'd be able to find a plastic plug for that hole and the little ones I'll weld up. The heater core actually wasn't leaking, the fan motor works, and the squirrel cage definitely had a squirrel chewing on it. Super!
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