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Old 10-17-2021, 09:36 PM   #1
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HEI Conversion-Sudden Death

A little help from the HEI gurus, please. 292, swapped in a junkyard HEI from '79 Camaro years ago. Truck has run fine this way for years, but centrifugal advance was working poorly. This weekend, ot a new HEI from one of the local well-known auto parts stores installed. Installed fine, test drove a couple miles, also fine. Next day, hooked up an Autometer Tach (was not hooked up to the prior HEI dizzy), test drove, ignition died after 1/2 mile. There is still 12V to the Batt terminal, coil seems to test ok. Tach was reading accurately until the ignition died.

I vaguely remember a note in one of the HEI discussions where a tach could cause an issue, but can't remember in what way; the connection seems pretty straight forward. Just a bad new distributor? Any ideas on what happened?
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