Originally Posted by 57taskforce
I totally get it, man. I’m thinking about somewhere in the Ozarks or Tennessee in the next few years. My dad is getting ready to leave Northern Va for Tennessee next year hopefully and my wife and I both are thinking about the same general area. Try being in oil and gas and having to deal with Adolfa Grisham. She has weaponized the New Mexico OCD and has really started using it against us in last month or so. We got 50+ citations for stupid piddley crap in one day a couple weeks ago. It’s gotten pretty bad even up here in our red northwest corner of the state.
Yeah she is most definitely Adolfa!
Originally Posted by Dirt's72
Thinking shortly it will be time to scoot before we have roadblocks on our state borders.

What's not funny is the pure evil going on with the plandemic allowing thousands to die in hospitals withholding medicine that costs next to nothing that is proven effective against covid. Mandating experimental injections that do not work. Kids are next in your state. Purposely killing the economy and opening the borders up wide. Our governor is line step with this. I want out before they come for guns.
Originally Posted by Greg58
Yes Nebraska is red, but! Taxes are high, humidity is high except for the far west, winters are cold and windy. Waterfowl hunting is a big deal here, pay to play unless you know someone. Plenty of jobs here.
Does not sound bad. Plus the Nebraska AG today says doctors can legally prescribe medicines for covid that work like Ivermectin.
Originally Posted by GOPAPA
Since 2013 when the wife and I moved here to this red state of Idaho there has been right at 250,000 adults move to this state and 200,000 of them came to get in a red state like you are talking about .
We have 4 seasons and like a lot of states fun places to camp and sight see
Our home is 3 times more value that when we came in Nov 2012 ..Our state tax is .06 % ..And homes are going up like weeds..
, People are selling out in California and Oregon where the most come from and living in their travel trailers for months waiting for a house to out bid the other guy to get ,,or a new one built. This year we had many days over 100 degrees .. first year like that since we came ,,we hope for a good snow this year...
Our streets are overwhelmed with traffic and lots of fender bending going on.. the city has built quite a few round a bouts to move the traffic along ..
We still like it here and not moving .. being retired allows us to get on the streets when there are not so much traffic
Yeah my fear is they move from California to create the same issues there in Idaho. My lady is in real estate here and most of the homes they sell to are people from California and Chicago.
Originally Posted by too much stuff
I would look into the states with no controversy and where everyone gets along well.
Which red state like that do you have in mind?