Originally Posted by tdangle
One thing to keep in mind is people who have problems/complaints are the ones that are the loudest and want to tell everyone their woes. Think about it when is the last time you wrote a glowing review? With that said, I also have an AVS2 and progression HEI ignition. Love them. My truck has never run better. One nice thing about the ignition is that you can increase the timing a speeds lower than idle to make up for A/C coming on or just load from the torque converter in an auto trans. Especially helpful when you have a low LSA cam that doesn't really like to idle at 6-650 rpm. Also like the lock feature, I use it all the time as these trucks are way to easy to steal. And incase you are wondering, no I have not posted reviews on either of my components.
Good luck with your truck. It's way more fun to drive than to always be working on it
I'm pretty excited man! I really think for now this set up will be great for running through the mountains to our favorite fishing hole!! Specially with the gear vendors!! Glad you like yours makes me that much more excited.
I will go to EFI one day it's just not today